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These days’ airplane flight tickets are always a rip off. Not just the seat, but airlines try to tack on extra via carry-on baggage, seat preference etc. In short, you end up spending much more than what you intended to. Hence, CheapFareGuru brings to you 5 secrets of finding the best low cost flight easily.
Be flexible with travel dates and time
The airplane flight ticket prices vary greatly depending on the day of the week, time of year, and upcoming holidays. And if you are planning to travel when everyone else is, your prices are bound to rise. Pick an early morning or late night airplane flights cause very few people choose that which makes it cheaper. Mid-week or traveling after a major holiday can also save you from the price hike.
Set up alerts
No one is really fond of cluttering their inbox, but there is absolutely nothing better than receiving a notification about the price drops! One of the best ways to ensure a cheap flight tickets. Several times, the cheap flight tickets are only available for as short as 24 hours, and if you haven’t subscribed for them, you are sure to miss out on many of the super cheap flight deals.
Use points/miles
Airline rewards program is another great way to get free airplane flights, free upgrades, and free companion tickets. Even if you are not a frequent flyer, make sure you sign up for these airlines reward program. Not only can you earn miles by flying with the same airline, you can also earn a lot of miles through credit card sign up bonus, online shopping, surveys, special offers, and more.
Take Budget Carriers
Budget airlines now not only travel domestically but also service many long-haul routes, making it possible to fly around the world for very economical chargers. So why get stuck with the expensive airplane flights when you can travel around the world with a budget airplane flight.
Be flexible with the route
With an array of budget carriers around the world, taking advantage of a good deal to another city and then hopping on a budget airplane flight to your destination has become a great way to save upon the airplane flight tickets. But make sure to have at least three hours between airplane flight connections of different airlines, because if something goes wrong, you can’t just get put seamlessly on the next airplane flight.
Follow these tips and you will master the art of finding best low cost airplane flights always.
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