Holidays approaching and the travel bug hitting hard? Well, holidays do call for some travel but the only restraint is the budget. Imagine, we if cracked all cheap flight deals and got cheap flight tickets booked for the holiday? How magical would it be? Supremely amazing! And CheapFareGuru is just about to do that for you. We’ve got a great trick to buy cheap flight tickets – to book on the cheapest day per your visit schedule. Read more to find out how.
Be flexible: Be flexible with dates and time. Choose days that fulfill your objective yet will not fall in the peak time such as, the days falling right before or just after the holiday. Holidays are for everyone and if you choose to travel on the most sought after days – you will end up paying high flight prices.
Best days to fly: The best day to fly for the holiday time would be day of the particular holiday. For example, if you are travelling for Thanksgiving, it would be to fly on the very day of Thanksgiving because of the lowest airfare, since everyone would have already taken their air flights. You could opt for an early morning air flight and save huge bucks!
Worst days to fly: Worst days to fly for a holiday would be the ones that fall immediately before or after the holiday such as for Christmas – if you plan to get flight tickets for the Christmas holidays, worst days to get air tickets to reach the destination would be the day right before or two days before Christmas, while the worst days to come back from the holiday would be the one falling right after Christmas. Also, the weekend should be avoided. Also, it is best to take air flight on Wednesday or Thursday which are generally quieter and have lower airfare prices, provided the holiday is not falling on these particular days.
Good days to fly: The best day to buy cheap flight tickets is to take the air flight on the day of the holiday. So, if you are planning to go on thanksgiving for example, you should choose that particular day itself, nor before nor after. Though you can also see further dates from the holiday: the rule of the thumb is – farther from the holiday, better the rates!
When to buy: The best time to book a air flight is 70-80 days before departure for domestic flights; while for international flights 60 days before departure. Travelers should monitor airfare prices in this prime booking window and pounce on an attractive airfare price when it strikes.
Also, keep certain pointers in mind:
Select the right days and get cheap flight tickets to travel like a boss!
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