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Summer may be in full force, but it is not too early to think about booking flight tickets for Turkey Day to ensure you travel like a boss and do not pay high air ticket prices. Thanksgiving is one of the most important family get together but also a very expensive holiday given the airfare hike. The bad news is that peak days and times are expensive, but the good news is that we got you tips for traveling like a boss this Thanksgiving.
Be flexible: Be flexible with dates and time. Choose days that fulfill your objective yet will not fall in the peak time such as, this year’s Thanksgiving is on November 28 (Thursday) and hence you would want to travel on Wednesday (November 27) which might also be the best day for most people to fly and airfare will be rocket high.
Best days to fly: In this case, the day of Thanksgiving would be the best day to fly because of the lowest airfare. You could opt for an early morning flight and save huge bucks!
Worst days to fly: Worst days to fly for a thanksgiving holiday would be the ones that fall immediately before or after. Thus, for 2019 the worst day to depart is Wednesday (November 27) and Tuesday (November 26). The worst days to return would be the weekend that follows – Saturday and Sunday (November 30 and December 1).
Good days to fly: Thanksgiving is always expensive and thus, hardly any good days to fly apart from that particular day. But you can consider flying out on Monday (November 25) or till early afternoon on Tuesday (November 26). The rule of the thumb is – farther from Thanksgiving, better the rates!
When to buy: The best time to book a flight is 70-80 days before departure for domestic flights; while for international flights 60 days before departure. Travelers should monitor airfares in this prime booking window and pounce on an attractive price.
When prices shoot the sky: Prices tend to slowly rise in September and increase bit-by-bit until November, when they hit rocket high. Hence, watch prices continuously and book, as and when you strike a deal.
Also, keep certain pointers in mind:
Book flight tickets wisely, and travel like a boss this Thanksgiving!
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